
Kasım, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
  Still Unexplained Disappearances of Famous Figures  History is filled with unexplained mysteries, and one of these is the unexpected disappearances of famous figures that remain unsolved to this day. We’ve compiled a few names that we all recognize but have never seen again: The first woman pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean: Amelia Earhart  Earhart disappeared mysteriously in the Pacific, and her last radio transmission was heard from there. Earhart’s disappearance was one of the most intriguing mysteries of the 20th century. Despite numerous theories, none have been proven. The legacy Earhart left behind continues to inspire adventurous generations. Teamsters labor union leader: Jimmy Hoffa  The disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, portrayed by Al Pacino in ‘The Irishman,’ was even investigated by the FBI. Hoffa disappeared mysteriously in July 1975. The most widespread theory suggests he was murdered by a mafia boss. Despite numerous claims...
  Research by Scientists Proves Watching Horror Movies Helps Burn Calories According to research, watching horror movies speeds up metabolism and helps burn calories. But which movies are proven to aid weight loss according to this study? Let’s take a look at the list together. The world of science constantly surprises us with extraordinary research. The latest study comes from Westminster University in London. A group of researchers discovered that watching horror movies can actually burn calories. The research suggests that watching a 90-minute horror movie can burn approximately 113 calories. This is almost equivalent to the calories burned in a half-hour walk. According to The Guardian, this noteworthy research revealed that horror films, filled with ‘jump-scare’ scenes, increase heart rate and contribute to burning calories. Dr. Richard Mackenzie, a member of the research team, explains this phenomenon in the following words: ‘As the heart rate increases and blood is pumped fa...
  Famous Cities Featured in Novels and Books for Travel-Loving Bookworms Are those who love getting lost in the magical world of books here? There are some books that make us feel like we’re wandering the streets of that city or breathing in the atmosphere of that place while reading. In this article, I’ve delved into the countries, cities, and literary works that evoke these feelings. Let books be our magic carpet and shall we travel through the countries on our list together? Istanbul I wanted to start the list with Istanbul. In Orhan Pamuk’s book “The Museum of Innocence,” we witness museum owner Kemal falling in love with Füsun and observing the changing face and dynamics of Istanbul. You can visit the Museum of Innocence established in 2012, located in Beyoğlu. Ferzan Özpetek’s debut novel “Rosso Istanbul” follows Anna’s journey from Rome to Istanbul as she confronts her own life and experiences. Mario Levi has two works set in Istanbul. In “Istanbul Was a Fairy Tale,” the boo...
  Roma’nın En Hüzünlü ve Şanssız İmparatorlarından Birisi: Claudius Tarih boyunca cesareti, zalimliği, sertliği ve savaşçı ruhuyla tanınan imparatorlar oldu. Ancak bazı hükümdarlar, yaşamlarında derin duygusal unsurlar taşıyarak gözlemleyenleri hatta üzüntüye sevk edebildi. Roma İmparatoru Claudius da böyle bir şanssız hükümdardı. Claudius, M.Ö. 10 yılında İtalya dışında, Galya’da doğmuştu. Çocukluğundan beri tarihe büyük bir ilgisi vardı. Buna rağmen siyasete katılamadı. İlk kez, yeğeni Caligula ile birlikte 37 yılında konsül olarak göreve başladı. Caligula, Tiberius’un vasiyetiyle imparator olmuştu; Claudius ise devlet işlerinden uzak tutuldu. Fiziksel ve zihinsel rahatsızlıkları onu bürokrasiden uzak tuttu. O zamanlar, Claudius’un imparator olabileceğini düşünen olmamıştı. Claudius, doğuştan sakat bir ayağa sahipti. Omuzları ve dizleri zayıftı, başı titriyor, bazen ağzından tükürük akıyordu. Elleri zayıftı ve bazen heyecanlandığında veya sinirlendiğinde burnu akardı. Ancak ...
  One of Rome’s Most Sorrowful and Unfortunate Emperors: Claudius Throughout history, there have been emperors known for their bravery, cruelty, toughness, and warrior spirit. However, some rulers have passed through life carrying profoundly emotional elements that even bring sadness to the observer. Roman Emperor Claudius was one such unfortunate ruler. An Aristocrat Who Couldn’t Be an Emperor Claudius was born in 10 BC outside Italy, in Gaul. He had a profound interest in history since childhood. Despite this, he couldn’t involve himself in politics. He first entered governance as a consul alongside his nephew Caligula in 37 AD. Caligula had become emperor by Tiberius’ will, while Claudius was kept away from state affairs. His physical and mental ailments kept him distanced from bureaucracy. At that time, nobody even remotely considered Claudius capable of becoming emperor. A Life Marred by Illnesses Claudius had a disabled leg since birth. His shoulders and knees were weak,...
  The Most Flavorful Legacy of Our Prehistoric Ancestors: How Did Humans Discover Cooking? Cooking has been an integral part of human civilization, a beautiful and intricate art practiced for millennia. But how did it all begin? How did our ancestors stumble upon the art of cooking? This article aims to guide you through the fascinating journey of the discovery and evolution of cooking. Historians and anthropologists believe that our hominid ancestors started the practice of cooking with a simple yet crucial discovery: fire. The mesmerizing dance of flames didn’t just provide warmth and protection from predators; it also altered how our ancestors consumed food. Imagine a group of hominids gathered around a fire, where a piece of meat or root accidentally falls into the flames. The result? Transformed into a more flavorful substance. Over time, through trial and error, early humans began to realize that cooking food over fire made it tastier, easier to chew, and digest. Cooking...
  Legendary Music Icons and Their Favorite Foods! Have you ever wondered about the favorite foods of world-renowned musicians who have become legends in the realm of music? Prepare to be surprised when you learn about the favorite dishes of some of the most iconic figures in music history 👇 David Bowie: Shepherd’s Pie One of England’s most famous artists, David Bowie, adored ‘Shepherd’s pie’ — a dish with minced meat and vegetables topped with mashed potatoes. Bowie’s wife, Iman, even learned to make this dish exclusively for him… Prince: Crepes The legendary pop star Prince was synonymous with breakfast foods throughout his life. Allegedly, one morning at 3 AM, he devoured 14 plates of omelets and 14 plates of crepes! Kurt Cobain: Instant Mac And Cheese Even at the peak of his fame and success, Kurt Cobain never gave up his love for instant mac and cheese. During a trip to Atlanta, Cobain requested mac and cheese for a meal, but he refused to eat it because it wasn’t pr...