Research by Scientists Proves Watching Horror Movies Helps Burn Calories
According to research, watching horror movies speeds up metabolism and helps burn calories. But which movies are proven to aid weight loss according to this study? Let’s take a look at the list together.

The world of science constantly surprises us with extraordinary research. The latest study comes from Westminster University in London. A group of researchers discovered that watching horror movies can actually burn calories.
The research suggests that watching a 90-minute horror movie can burn approximately 113 calories. This is almost equivalent to the calories burned in a half-hour walk.
According to The Guardian, this noteworthy research revealed that horror films, filled with ‘jump-scare’ scenes, increase heart rate and contribute to burning calories.
Dr. Richard Mackenzie, a member of the research team, explains this phenomenon in the following words:
‘As the heart rate increases and blood is pumped faster through the body, adrenaline surges. The release of adrenaline reduces appetite, increases metabolism, and consequently burns calories. The same applies while watching horror movies.’
So, what are the top 10 films according to this study that help lose weight? Let’s take a look.
The Shining: 184 calories

Jaws: 161 calories

The Exorcist: 158 calories

Alien: 152 calories

Saw: 133 calories

A Nightmare on Elm Street: 118 calories

Paranormal Activity: 111 calories

The Blair Witch Project: 105 calories

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: 107 calories

[Rec]: 101 calories

Do you believe this research is indeed true? Do you feel like you’re burning calories while watching a horror movie? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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