They All Have Their Place in Our Daily Lives! Archaeological Objects from the Past to the Present
Today, we actively use many items, from combs to hand cream, but all of these items existed in prehistory. So, what did these items look like in prehistory? We have listed for you the best prehistoric archaeological objects listed by Arkeofili on its Twitter page called Objects!
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Cream box with fingerprints on the lid

This cream box was found in a Roman temple complex in 2003. During the research, it was discovered that the cream was a cosmetic or facial cream.
Ivory comb
It is thought that this comb, dating back to the Roman period, was probably found in the grave of a woman.

Ancient Roman dice tower

This item, dating back to the 4th century AD, was used to prevent cheating when rolling dice.
Silver lamp in the shape of a dove

The lamp, which points to the Roman period, consists of a pigeon statue about to swallow a fruit.
Wig of 21st Dynasty princess Nauny

This wig, made from real human hair with wax and animal fat, was found next to the princess’s mummy. The wig is currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum.
Roman glass bowl

This glass bowl, made with the millefiori technique, dates back to the 1st century AD.
A dagger from the Mughal Empire

This dagger and its sheath, dated between 1605 and 1627, are currently exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, although they were found in India.
Cuneiform clay tablet belonging to the Assyrian King

The cuneiform writing on the clay tablet dates back to Assyrian king II., who reigned between 911–891 BC. An official document of Adad-Nirari’s work.
Iron helmet with silver trim

This helmet, dated to the 4th century BC, was found in the Panticapaeum necropolis in Crimea in 1834.
Fist-shaped drinking bowl

This 3600-year-old drinking vessel, found in Çorum, is exhibited in Boğazkale Museum.
Small animal coffin

A small bird mummy was found inside this animal coffin, which had a small figurine on it.
Military gloves made of mesh armor

These gloves date back to the 17th century.
Spear tip with writing on it

The origin of the bronze spearhead, which has an inscription explaining that Theodoros dedicated it to Zeus, dates back to 500 BC.
Bronze helmet from the 6th century BC

The Corinthian type helmet, which emerged at the end of the 8th century BC, was a type that was actively used until the Classical Period.
Sandals belonging to a child

These sandals, which date back to the New Kingdom period, were found in the necropolis of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Egypt.
A fish-shaped cosmetic container

This fish-shaped cosmetic container made of sandstone dates from Egypt’s Early Dynastic period.
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