Brain Cancer Treatment in Ancient Egypt! 4 Thousand-Year-Old Skull Hide Clues of the Oldest Cancer Surgery!
Scientists have proven that cancer dates back further than expected. A 4,600-year-old skull from the ancient Egyptian civilization sheds light on the oldest known cancer treatment efforts.
A skull found in ancient Egypt sheds light on the history of Egyptian medicine!

It turns out that cancer, once seen as the scourge of the modern age, is actually a much older enemy in human history than we thought. Paleopathologist Dr. working at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. When Edgard Camarós and his team found traces of brain cancer and its treatment in a 4,600-year-old Egyptian skull, a new window was opened into how ancient Egyptians fought this disease.
The findings in the skull, which were examined with three-dimensional microscopy devices and different radiological methods, were surprising!

Dr. At this moment of discovery, Camarós noted, ‘There was an uncomfortable silence in the room because we knew what we had just discovered.’ The cuts on the skull indicate that it was made with a metal tool and was applied while the person was alive. This finding suggests that ancient Egyptians may have tried to treat brain cancer with surgery.
There were even dinosaurs that suffered from cancer!

This discovery not only expands our knowledge of Egyptian medicine, but also pushes back the history of documented cancer treatment attempts by nearly 1,000 years, The New York Times reported.
Dr. ‘Cancer is as old as time,’ Camarós said, adding: “Even dinosaurs suffered from cancer.”
Years of research show that Ancient Egyptian medicine was quite advanced compared to other ancient civilizations!

In the Edwin Smith Papyrus, written approximately 3,600 years ago, a condition that some researchers believe to be cancer is mentioned. In this text, cancer is defined as ‘a serious disease for which there is no cure’.
Besides these findings, Dr. Camarós and his team found evidence of successful treatment of a traumatic injury in a 2,600-year-old skull. Findings show that ancient Egyptians were skilled in surgical interventions.
“This may remind us that cancer is not a modern disease.”

Dr. D., a bioarchaeologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. Casey L. Kirkpatrick stated that this study provides the first physical evidence that cancer treatment was possible by the ancient Egyptians.
Dr. Camarós said this discovery gives scientists a new perspective on what to look for.

Scientists next plan to look for similar evidence at ancient sites in Kenya. Among the findings is that the skull belongs to a man aged 30 to 35. Besides all this, Dr. ‘I’m sure this is just one example,’ Camarós says in an interview with The New York Times.
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