In various hieroglyphic inscriptions found in Anatolia, kings dedicated their deeds to gods, narrating their actions. Each hieroglyphic starts with ‘I, who am…’
The kings explain their deeds by saying, ‘..I, the King, dedicated this to the God…’ in these tablets. The primary goal was said to be introducing the next king to the gods. There is a striking difference between two hieroglyphics, as you can see in the images below. In one, the king’s image is small, and the writings explaining his actions occupy a significant portion. In the other, the king’s image is quite large, and the writings explaining his actions occupy a smaller space.
If the ego is small, knowledge is vast; if the ego is large, knowledge is small.

The comments on these works are attributed to the concept of ego: “The more knowledgeable a person is, the further they are from their ego; the less knowledgeable they are, the more they inflate their ego.” It is possible to interpret it as follows: When someone has accomplished a lot, they hide their ego, but when their accomplishments are few, they emphasize their ego.
I do not intend to delve into the details of philosophical and psychological theories related to the definition of ego. It is not accurate to label ego negatively. What is desired is a healthy and balanced ego. Especially, a realistic approach that does not succumb to the impulses of the primitive self is required for a balanced ego. We are talking about an awareness that is aware of its actions, the reasons behind them, their goals, benefits, and results in a realistic manner.
In the title of the article, I am alluding to a statement frequently shared and debated on social media in recent days by Professor Celal Şengör: ‘Your ignorance affects my life.’ Indeed, accusing someone of ignorance is not very constructive. Everyone is responsible for themselves, and no one has the right to meddle in someone else’s ego.
Here, I want to emphasize the importance of this: If we are facing everything in our social life together, especially in times like these, where we are trying to overcome difficulties collectively, we need to establish solidarity beyond our egos.
As one gains knowledge, they realize how little they actually know. Those who chase knowledge realize their shortcomings as they learn. Those who are content with their current state possess reckless courage. However, as we all agree, self-awareness that realistically evaluates oneself and makes an effort is the most valuable state of existence. This state changes everything, moves stones from their places. Singular actions and every effort made responsibly contribute to the whole.
Recognizing that we are part of the whole and realizing that we are connected to everything in the ecosystem in which we live, our primary responsibility is our own actions. We should accept that our individual actions have the power to change the course of the world.
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